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Posted by on Feb 17, 2015 in TellMeWhy |

How Fast Can a Tank Move?

How Fast Can a Tank Move?

How Fast Can a Tank Move? Even though tanks are very heavy due to their armor and big guns, believe it or not, tanks can actually move at about 25 miles per hour on flat terrain and up to 45 miles per hour on roads!

Some tanks have even gone as fast as 60 to 70 miles per hour for short periods of time. So now you know how fast can a tank move.

Tanks perform better at slow speeds over short distances. That is why they usually must be transported to where they are needed on huge airplanes, trains, or special trucks.

Tanks aren’t really built for speed, though, driving tanks at high speeds often leads to mechanical problems and breakdowns.

Tanks are able to move over and around obstacles, as well as most types of rough terrain, due to their continuous tracks.

Continuous tracks also called “caterpillar tracks” move tanks by a system of metal plates that are linked together and driven by wheels.

The larger surface area of continuous tracks spreads a tank’s heavy weight over much more ground area. This allows a tank to travel on many types of rough or soft terrain without sinking or becoming stuck.

The treads of the metal plates that make up caterpillar tracks are very tough. They provide good traction and are much more reliable than rubber tires would be.

Content for this question contributed by Lori McAlister, resident of Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA