How Did American Pronghorn Get Its Name? The American Pronghorn, the animals name comes from the fact that it features two horns, with a prong type design. This is a bone that grows and it offers a permanent core. They do shed the sheath that covers it though throughout the year and then it will grow back. Both genders have these horns but they are considerably longer for the males.
Often misleadingly called an antelope (antelopes come from Africa and Asia), the North American Pronghorn has horns which are extremely interesting. They are composed of two parts. A bony central cone which is permanent like those of the true antelopes, and a sheath of fused hairs supplying the horny covering. The branched horny covering splits each year and is shed revealing a new growth of horn underneath.
What does a pronghorn eat? The Pronghorn is an intermediate feeding ungulate, both browser and grazer depending on season and availability. Living in scrubland the majority of their diet is made up of forbs, followed by weeds and grasses.
What is the difference between an antelope and a pronghorn? The main difference between Pronghorn and Antelope is that the Pronghorn is a species of mammal and Antelope is a term referring to many even-toed ungulate species. An antelope is a member of a number of even-toed ungulate species indigenous to various regions in Africa and Eurasia.
Did you know? A pronghorn can run up to 60 miles per hour, which makes them the second-fastest land animal in the world (cheetah – 61 mph). Although second to the cheetah, the pronghorn can sustain its speed for much longer.
So now you know how did the American Pronghorn got its name along with few other facts about this animal.
Content for this question contributed by Ben Hooper, reported from San Diego, California, USA, sourced by