How does a flashlight cell work? A flashlight cell supplies electricitythrough a chemical reaction. A flashlight cell usually has a paste-like chemical mixture containing an acidpacked around a carbon rod. These materials are held inside a zinc can.
The rod, which sticks out through the top of the cell, is called the “positive pole.” The acid eats away the zinc. This chemicalchange or reaction produces electricity.
When the flashlight is switched on, electricity flows from the positive pole in the cell into the flashlight bulb which begins to glow, producing lightthat is visible.
This light reflects off of the reflector that is positioned around the lamp. The reflector redirects the light rays from the lamp, creating a steady beam of light, which is the light you see emitting from the flashlight.
Chemical inside the cellis the power source for your flashlight. When the entire chemical has been used up, the cell is dead. Now you know how does a flashlight cell work.
When you put your hand over a flashlight, why do your fingers glow red? This happens because the light is passing through your red blood cells, which absorb most of the non-red colors in the white light emitted by the flashlight.
What type of electric cell would be used in a flashlight? Primary battery(disposable) types used in flashlights include button cells, carbon-zinc batteries in both regular and heavy duty types, alkaline, and lithium. Secondary, rechargeable, types include lead acid batteries, NiMH, NiCd batteries and lithium ion batteries.
Content for this question contributed by Ricky Eldredge, resident of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, USA