How Does a Microwave Oven Work?
How Does a Microwave Oven Work? Conventional ovens cook food by heating air, which, in turn, heats the food. Microwave cooking is direct. It cooks by creating heat inside the food. Microwaves are pulses of electromagnetic energy, which are beamed into food by an electronic tube.
As microwaves pass through food, tiny molecules of moisture rub against each other, causing friction. This creates heat — the heat that cooks the food. (Rub your hands together quickly, and you’ll feel the same “friction heat.”) Microwaves cook fast. A hamburger, for example, cooks in only four minutes.
Microwave ovens have added the elements of speed, convenience, and ease to the cooking process. Today’s reality is that most families are pressed for time, especially on weekday evenings. In many cases, family members just can’t spare the thirty minutes or more to wait for a meal cooked in a conventional oven. Fortunately, a microwave oven is capable of cooking a delicious meal in a matter of minutes that a family is able to share together.
A microwave oven makes it possible for a person to enjoy a scrumptious snack or a hot beverage in the span of a few minutes or even several seconds. While microwave ovens are extremely helpful and simple to use, an owner should keep some things in mind.
One important aspect regarding microwave cooking is that the ovens may sometimes leave portions of certain foods cold or under cooked.
For example, a person using a microwave oven may notice that in certain areas a thick piece of meat emerges uncooked or even cold. Considering the importance of cooking meat in a thorough way, a food preparing person should determine the adequate amount of time needed for thicker meat to cook properly in a microwave oven.
Today, inexpensive microwave ovens are found in many places including restaurants and homes as well as employee break rooms. Whether it’s used to heat a beverage or prepare a bag of popcorn, a microwave oven rewards its owners with quick, delicious treats.