How Will You Explain John Dalton in Few Lines?
How Will You Explain John Dalton in Few Lines? John Dalton (6 September 1766–27 July 1844) was a British chemist and physicist who put forward an atomic theory. According to this theory, all matter consists of small particles called atoms. All the atoms in any one element are the same and have the same weight. The atoms of different elements are not the same and differ in weight.
Compounds are formed by atoms of different elements combining in simple proportions. This atomic theory was very important to the development of chemistry. He worked with gases and put forward the law of partial pressures which is often known as Dalton’s Law. He also studied the weather, and was the first to describe color blindness, from which he suffered.
John Dalton was the youngest of three surviving children of a Quaker handloom weaver. Until he was 11, he attended school, then at the age of 12 became a teacher. For about a year he next worked as a farm helper, but at 15 he returned to teaching, privately for the most part, pursuing it as a career for the remainder of his life.
In his work Dalton used relatively simple equipment and has been accused of being “a very coarse experimenter.” However, he had a gift for reasoning and for drawing correct conclusions from imperfect experiments. He himself attributed his success primarily to simple persistence.