What Is a Calendar Used For?
What Is a Calendar Used For? Calendar is a system used for calculating time. Calendars usually divide year into months and days. A year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun once.
A day is the time it takes for the Earth to spin around once. So we measure time by a movement in space. For this reason calendars used to be drawn up by astronomers.
Calendars often show the phases of the Moon and sometimes the positions of stars and planets. There are nearly 365.24 days in a year. (If we never added any leap days, each year would be 365 days long, which isn’t quite enough. So we add 1 leap day every 4 years.
That gives us an average year length of 365.24 days.) About 5000 years ago Egyptian astronomers divided the year into 12 months. This is the basis of the modern Christian, Jewish and Muslim calendars.
A calendar must be accurately related to natural events so that it gives the right date every year for such things as the movements of the tides and the sowing and harvesting of crops.
However, over the centuries calendars have in practice got seriously out of phase with nature. The modern calendar (called Gregorian, after Pope Gregory XIII) is a corrected version of the older Julian calendar (named after Julius Caesar).
The primary practical use of a calendar is to identify days: to be informed about or to agree on a future event and to record an event that has happened. Days may be significant for agricultural, civil, religious or social reasons, there are several other reasons for which people use a calendar:
*Planning the daily activities
*Keeping a track of events
*Staying organized and enhancing productivity
*Planning efficiently and meeting the deadlines
*Remembering birthdays and keeping commitments
*Managing the daily schedule
*Remembering important dates
*Alleviating the anxiety and stress
*Knowing the important festival date