The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, or UNESCO for short, was established in 1945, has its headquarters in Paris, and is made up of 190 member states. The preamble to UNESCO’s 1945 Constitution was written by author Archibald MacLeish, the first American to serve on the organization’s governing board. As stated in the opening words, “Since wars begin in men’s minds, it is in men’s minds that the defences of peace must be constructed.”
By raising the global educational bar and collaborating on cultural and scientific endeavours, it seeks to advance international peace. Aid is also provided to emerging nations.
Education is viewed by UNESCO activities as being essential for democratic society, as a lifelong process, and as requiring both high quality and innovative approaches. The association promotes communication among its 190 member nations on ways to enhance access, delivery, standards, innovations, and quality assurance at all levels, from early literacy through higher education.
Education for All, a global endeavour to promote literacy and fundamental education without gender prejudice and to ensure progress through national plans and monitoring procedures, is one of the most significant UNESCO education programmes. The UNESCO Statistics Bureau, Education for Sustainable Development, Higher Education Mobility and Recognition, Education to Combat HIV/AIDS, and the UNESCO Literacy Decade are just a few of the significant UNESCO educational initiatives.
The UNESCO founders hoped that via international cooperation, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and freedom of expression would be reinforced.
UNESCO was founded in large part thanks to Americans. The United States joined UNESCO at its inception but eventually left in 1984 due to a widening gap between American foreign policy and UNESCO objectives.
The United States returned to the organisation in October 2003 at President Bush’s suggestion in an effort to demonstrate the country’s steadfast commitment to upholding and promoting human rights, tolerance, and learning throughout the world.
Content for this question contributed by Amy Shoaff, resident of Santa Rosa, California, USA