Why Is It Hot at the Equator?
Why Is It Hot at the Equator? The equator is an imaginary circle around the Earth, dividing the Earth’s surface into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. People who live close to the equator experience a climate that is hot all year round, and days that are almost equally long throughout the year.
The land receives much warmth every day because the sun is almost directly overhead. Equator and places very close to it receive straight falling sun rays. Straight rays cover the short distance to reach earth and, therefore, don’t lose much heat on the way. Therefore, the area that they fall on receives a lot of heat.
Most places away from the equator have lower annual average temperatures. The sun’s rays strike those areas at a greater slant and, therefore, don’t warm the land as much. While the temperature of a place is mostly decided by sun rays, height of place above sea level and its distance from the sea shore also have some role to play.