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Posted by on Dec 22, 2008 in This Happened To Me |


LemonadeThis happened when I was in the 5th standard. I had completed my annual exams and the summer vacations had started.

Some friends had arrived for a visit. My father asked them, “What would you like to have?” They said lemonade. My mother then recalled that there was only one lemon. There were 3 guests and my father too.

I went to the market to get some lemons. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and all the shops were closed. Finally, my mother prepared lemonade for 3 people with 1 lemon. It was a pretty mixture. And guess what?

My father got sugar dissolved in water! To give him due credit, he sipped it without comment or contorting his face. Even today, I sometimes tease him, “Would you like to have lemonade, daddy?”