Stories From The New Testament: The Last Supper
Jesus knew it was nearly time for Him to fulfill His mission and die on the cross.
He spent His last evening having a special supper with His 12 friends and telling them many things. First He washed their feet. This was to show them that they must serve each other.
Then Jesus shared bread and drink with them. He told them that whenever they shared the bread and drink, they should remember Him and what He had done for them. (this part from Luke 22:19,20)
Jesus said that one of the 12 would betray Him. Jesus knew that it was Judas. Judas soon left the supper. Jesus told them that they must love each other the way that He had loved them. He said that by knowing Him, they could know God.
After the meal they went outside and walked to a nearby garden. While his friends rested, Jesus prayed. He asked God to spare Him from what was about to happen. But He also told God He would do as God wished Him to. (this part from Matthew 26:36-39)
Soon Judas brought soldiers to the garden to arrest Jesus. Peter tried to protect Him but Jesus told Peter to stop. Jesus knew this was God’s will. (adapted from John 13,14 except where indicated)