Cucumber Race
You will need: a cucumber, a carrot, mild cheddar cheese, some raisins, toothpicks, a grown-up to help you the kitchen sink, water
What you do:
.Ask your grown-up to slice the cucumber into round slices about 1/4” thick and to slice the carrots into round slices a bit thicker.
.Ask your grown-up to cut the cheese into small cubes.
.Place a carrot slice in the middle of each cucumber slice. Put a cube of cheese on top of the carrot and a raisin on top of the cheese. Push a toothpick through them to keep them in place.
.Fill the sink about 1/3 full of water.
.Sail your cucumber boats. Have races. The winner gets to eat the loser’s boat!
Note: Don’t waste water! When you’re finished with your snack race, use the water in the sink to water your plants or give it to your pet to drink.