Keep reading to find out. How Did the Name Uncle Sam Originated? “Uncle Sam” originated as a nicknamefor Samuel Wilson, a merchant from Troy, N.Y. Wilson, known as Uncle Sam, sold supplies to the U.S. Armyduring the Warof 1812. He stamped the initials “U.S.” (for United States) on the barrelsand boxes. But people liked to refer to the initials as “Uncle Sam” Wilson.
The name became popular when a soldierbegan to call everything belonging to the government“Uncle Sam’s.” Cartoonists borrowed the idea, and a bearded Uncle Sam in stars and stripes, became the national symbol. The symbolic Uncle Sam is a tall, thin, angular figure with long white hair and chin whiskers. He is usually dressed in a swallow-tailed coat, waistcoat, top hat and striped trousers.
In American stories and tales he is associated with Yankee Doodle, the British inspired nickname for American colonials during the American Revolution, and with Brother Jonathon, a country folk-hero who always beats his enemies by surprising displays of native intelligence and wit. Now we know How Did the Name Uncle Sam Originated.
Who invented Uncle Sam? James Montgomery Flagg created the iconic illustration of Uncle Sam. Flagg, an illustrator and portrait artist best known for his commercial art, contributed 46 works in support of the war effort during World War I.
Content for this question contributed by Michael Petersen, resident of Norton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA