How Will You Define a Quark? Quark is thought to be a subatomic particle. Atoms are made up of particles called neutrons and protons together called hadrons, along with lighter electrons. In turn, hadrons consist of particles called quarks, of which there are six varieties.
Quarks make up protons and neutrons, which, in turn, make up an atom‘s nucleus. Each proton and each neutron contains three quarks. A quark is a fast-moving point of energy. Quarks, the smallest particles in the universe, are far smaller and operate at much higher energy levels than the protons and neutrons in which they are found.
There are six types of quarks, known as flavors: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top. Up and down quarks have the lowest masses of all quarks. The heavier quarks rapidly change into up and down quarks through a process of particle decay: the transformation from a higher mass state to a lower mass state.
Because of this, up and down quarks are generally stable and the most common in the universe, whereas strange, charm, top, and bottom quarks can only be produced in high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays and in particle accelerators). In conclusion, we now know how to define a quark.
What is an example of a quark? Protons consist of two up quarks and one down quark, whereas a neutron is made up of two down quark and one up quark. Quarks cannot exist independently but as a constituent part of the matter.
The quark model was independently proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. Quarks were introduced as parts of an ordering scheme for hadrons, and there was little evidence for their physical existence until deep inelastic scattering experiments at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in 1968.
Content for this question contributed by Joey Tellas, resident of Greensburg, Decatur County, Indiana, USA